Lumega CEO gives lecture


Lumega's CEO, Rune Larsen, spoke at the Estates conference 'The Office of the Future'. The conference focused on the development, optimization and conversion of today's offices to meet the opportunities and challenges of the future.

The conference

The focus of the conference was on the development of the office market. Interesting presentations were given on new trends and concepts, including how to optimally design the office.

Rune Larsen's contribution to the conference was a presentation on how the optimized office can be financed.

"My ambition was to give an informative talk that would inspire everyone who works with the further development of the office market on a daily basis. Therefore, I focused on what opportunities exist to finance the optimization of newly built and renovated offices," says Rune Larsen.

In his presentation, Rune Larsen talked about the composition of sustainable solutions and the potential for energy savings to increase the value of a property.


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